Hall-Tonna 125-item Survey

JUST Values is a system for understanding 125 individual and organizational values and linking them to an exhaustive list of skills and behaviors. Values and skills are the making and decision making, and they promote high level individual and team performance.

Using our Values Technology, Inc. software, we are able to tell you, your team, and your clients:

  • Where you are – MEASURE
  • Where you want to go – MENTOR
  • How to get there – MONITOR

We bring your hidden values to the surface. We make the implicit explicit. Using our propriety software, we measure your personal priorities so that you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and use your values to motivate and direct yourself.

When working with corporate, educational, and non-profit groups, we measure the values priorities of both individuals and their teams to understand how they combine to form your collective organizitional culture. We measure the often neglected human capital of your organization in order to facilitate the creation of a culture in which people, planet, and profit thrive.

Through the mentorship process, we help you translate your values into clearly articulated aspirations. We partner with you in pursuing those aspirations through the co-creation and execution of a tailored skill development plan.

Within the corporate or organizational structure, we mentor executives, managers, and employees to identify collective strengths and skill gaps and facilitate the alignment of individual, team, and organizational values.

Transformation takes time. When you commit to living and working in alignment with your values, you embark upon an important journey. We monitor your progress, redirecting you when necessary and celebrating your victories along the way.

We provide a number of ongoing services to corporate, educational, and non-profit clients to enable them to carry our work forward and ensure that the values alignment work we have done together continues to progress at all levels of the organization.

Contact JUST Values

You can stop by our office for a cup of coffee and just use the contact form below for any questions and inquiries